

1. Effectiveness of “Sunny Rain” is very large
The “Sunny Rain” Project was proposed in 2023 in two inventions and now 5 articles are published.
The “Sunny Rain” Project is a new direction that will solve the most pressing global problems.
The project is a synthesis of scientific research in the field of atmospheric physics, inventions and technological developments, the creation of production and the solution of the proposed problems in practice. There are 12,900 km³ of water in atmospheric vapor, and 2,120 km³ of water in rivers.
Atmospheric vapor contains more water than rivers and rain clouds. Therefore, our project is aimed at obtaining water in a cloudless atmosphere. To obtain water, we invented ecological rain, which we called “Sunny Rain”. Experiments by Potenier, Hahn and Hitchfeld in the laboratories confirm the possibility of creating “Sunny Rain”. From the results of calculations using the physics - mathematical model it follows that one drop with a mass of mz=220 milligrams, falling from an airplane, initiates the fall of water with a mass of mS=925 kilograms to the Earth. Effectiveness coefficient of “Sunny Rain” Ef=mS/mz=4.2*10^9 is very large.
The commercial efficiency of the project is extremely high, since people all over the planet do not want to go to Neanderthals, they would prefer to turn on the “Sunny Rain” outside and live in comfortable conditions, just like they turn on the air conditioner in their apartment, and this is exactly what the project offers, unlike all competing projects. The estimated budget for setting up the production is 726300 SGD/year and the duration of the project is 2 years.

2. “Sunny Rain” solves the following 9 problems
1.Obtaining water and capturing other greenhouse gases from a cloudless atmosphere in industrial quantities, including in deserts and semi-deserts (for example, Arava and Negev);
Note 1: An article by XPRIZE CEO Anousheh Ansari was published in Fortune. Faced with a global water crisis, this article highlights the harsh reality that 40% of the worlds water needs could go unmet by 2030 as desalination technologies plateau, making the need for innovative solutions more urgent than ever. So, the application of “Sunny Rain” is critical.
2. Cooling the air in cities and saving humanity from a climate catastrophe;
Note 2: a) Life in Iran was stopped for two days due to extreme heat.
b) A French nuclear power plant was shut down due to the drying up of a river that supplied water to the plant.
3. Irrigation, which will double crop yields;
4. Creating of good ecology that increases human life expectancy; cleaning the air above cities and industrial enterprises
5. Removing fog at airports;
6. Increasing the water in shallow rivers;
7. Irrigation of cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes.
8. Fighting fires.
9. Condensation nuclei will help firefighters save people from smoke filled rooms during fires.
Note 9: The solution to each of the above problems will open the way to solving new problems that have not even been formulated before. For example, solving the ninth problem (8. Fighting fires) made it possible to pose and solve the problem of saving people during fires in the future, because people usually die during fires not from the action of fire, but from the action of carbon monoxide and smoke.

3. Our plans
We plan to create start-up “Sunny Rain International”, its infrastructure will be created within a several months. Then we will make experiments with “Sunny Rain” and we will serve kibbutzim, businesses and cities in Israel. “Sunny Rain” is needed in almost all other countries. A pilot project for the distribution of “Sunny Rain” is planned to be implemented in Singapore.

If other countries follow the recommendations of the new “Sunny Rain” project, the amount of greenhouse gases and the air temperature above the Earth will decrease significantly, which will benefit all countries of the world.

So, then we need to create a new conference, like the Paris (2015) Climate Change Conference: the future Conference (water; urban cooling and climate change; “Sunny Rain”; decarbonization; prevention of eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes; ecology; firefighting; food).

4. Prevention eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes

The second direction of our work was to develop measures to prevent eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes, as they will contribute to climate change. The eruption of the underwater volcano Hunga in 2021 emitted 439 million tons of water into the atmosphere, which led to an increase in water vapor content by 10-15%. This is the largest increase in vapor in the atmosphere in recorded history. According to scientists, the consequences of the eruption of this volcano can increase the temperature on the planet in the next 5 years. The measures we developed could be used by Japan, Italy and Greece to prevent eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes (Kiki, Marsili, Colombo) located on their territory. This will provide electricity to these countries, save many of their citizens from dying and save humanity from the greatest threat - climate change - in the most inexpensive way! 

5. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has informed: planet Earth is in a critical state

(see Figure 1 in 1EN)). The planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for its existence, have been violated. The Figure 1 reports on the mortal danger for humanity – the world is moving after the Neanderthals at high speed and this movement must be stopped immediately!

The White House, the UN Secretary-General and UNEP recognized the failure of old climate change policies and called on experts to provide ideas for creating a new climate change policy.

The UN Secretary-General said: The world needs a heat strategy that mobilizes governments, policymakers and all stakeholders to act, prevent and reduce heat risk; build resilience to heat; manage extreme heat crises; and mitigate their worst impacts.

I sent a letter to UNEP in which I proposed to use the “Sunny Rain” strategy, which can solve the problem of climate change and other world problems.

Summary: Given that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process within which the Earth is habitable have been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate Sunny Rain technology as soon as possible so that humanity does not repeat the fate of the Neanderthals.

6. In simple terms about “Sunny Rain”, which will save humanity from climate change and solve other problems

Climate change is striking planet Earth – (life stopped for 2 days in Iran; French nuclear power plant shutdown; giant fire in Los-Angeles) and threatens the life of humanity. As a result of a number of reasons, an increasing huge amount of greenhouse gases (about 60% of water vapor; 26% of CO2; and others) accumulate in the Earth’s atmosphere, which leads to a constant increase in the Earth’s temperature and climate change. Considering that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for life, have long been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate the invented “Solar Rain” technology as soon as possible so that humanity does not repeat the fate of the Neanderthals.

The invented condensation nuclei of "Sunny Rain" thrown from the plane capture all greenhouse gases and debris in the atmosphere. In addition, every schoolchild knows the physical effect that after rainfall the air temperature decreases proportionally to the amount of rainwater. The second physical effect leading to a decrease in air temperature occurs due to the destruction of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Thus, "Sunny Rain" will prevent climate change and solve other problems:

1. The condensation nuclei of "Sunny Rain" thrown from the plane will absorb water vapor (and other greenhouse gases) from the cloudless atmosphere and create rain, called "Sunny Rain". This rain will bring water on an industrial scale. One drop with a mass of mz = 220 milligrams, falling from the plane, initiates the fall of water with a mass of mS = 925 kilograms to the Earth.;

2. "Sunny Rain" will locally and quickly cool the air at the impact site, saving from heat and thereby saving from a climate catastrophe;

3. "Sunny Rain" will locally and quickly clean the air at the impact site, creating a good ecology that will prolong people's lives;

4. "Sunny Rain", having the ability to drop a gigantic amount of water on Earth, which is always and everywhere in the atmosphere, will be able to quickly extinguish a large fire.

 Note 4.1: Atmospheric steam contains 12,900 km³ of water, and rivers contain         only 2,120 km³ of water.

Note 4.2: A giant forest fire in the United States destroyed part of Los Angeles in January 2025. Without the protection of "Sunny Rain", rebuilding Los Angeles is pointless, since further temperature increases are predicted in 2025-2030!

5. "Sunny Rain" will produce irrigation, increasing the harvest by about two times;

6. "Sunny Rain" will eliminate unwanted thick fog at airports.

7. "Sunny Rain" can be used to irrigate shallow rivers.

Note A7.1: A French nuclear power plant was shut down because the river that cools it was running low.

Note A7.2: By 2040, the Euphrates and Tigris will dry up due to declining water levels and droughts caused by climate change.

8. "Sunny Rain" can be used to irrigate cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes and in semi-deserts.

A giant forest fire in the United States destroyed part of Los Angeles in January 2025. Without the protection of "Sunny Rain", rebuilding Los Angeles is pointless, since further temperature increases are predicted in 2025-2030!

9. Condensation nuclei will help firefighters rescue people from smoke-filled rooms during fires.

Summary: 1S) Based on the results of the calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that the limit of safe temperatures for humans cannot exceed 35 degrees. "Dangerous" heat is defined by the US National Weather Service as 39.4 degrees Celsius. "Extremely dangerous" - 51 Celsius. Such a temperature can cause harm to a person, even if he leaves the house for a few minutes. 

Average temperatures in July in Israel from +24 to +37 °C.

The hottest month of the year in Singapore is June, from 26 °C to 31 °C.

2S) Thus, given that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for life, have long been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate the invented technology "Sunny Rain" as soon as possible. To prevent humanity from repeating the fate of the Neanderthals, it is necessary to first stop the rate of growth of greenhouse gases, and then achieve a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases, achieving a comfortable temperature for people all the time.

1. Assessment Of The Current Situation On Planet Earth

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) ( has informed: planet Earth is in a critical state (see Fig 1.). The planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for its existence, have been violated.

Fig.1. The planetary boundaries of the climate change process

The Fig. 1. reports on the mortal danger for humanity – the world is moving after the Neanderthals at high speed and this movement must be stopped immediately!

UNICEF found that, by 2050, if the current trend continues, almost every child under 18 in the world – nearly 2.2 billion – will be exposed to high heatwave frequency, up from only 24 percent of children in 2020. Heat-related mortality for people over 65 years of age increased by approximately 85 per cent between 2000-2004 and 2018-2022.

The White House, the UN Secretary-General and UNEP recognized the failure of old climate change policies and called on experts to provide ideas for creating a new climate change policy.

The UN Secretary-General said: The world needs a heat strategy that mobilizes governments, policymakers and all stakeholders to act, prevent and reduce heat risk; build resilience to heat; manage extreme heat crises; and mitigate their worst impacts.

I sent a letter to UNEP in which I proposed to use the “Sunny Rain” strategy, which can solve the problem of climate change and other world problems.

Summary: Given the dire situation of the planet, we need to lower the steeply rising curve (see Figure 1) as early as possible using Sunny Rain technology so that humanity does not repeat the fate of the Neanderthals.

More and more scientists say that our Planet is only 7 to 50 years away from the point of no return, when it will no longer be possible to stop the increasing degradation and death of our ecosystem, and thus civilization [17]. Can this forecast be realized?  Yes, if we do not use the Sunny Rain technology! Why?  Every schoolchild knows the result of a physical experiment: after rain from clouds, the temperature drops. After the Sunny Rain, the second factor acts: the destruction of all greenhouse gases produced by the Sunny Rain leads to an additional decrease in temperature.

2. Startup Sunny Rain International

We proposed a multifunctional breakthrough project "Sunny Rain", which provides a solution to the most pressing problems of mankind. I wrote multifunctional breakthrough inventions [1,2] and articles [3-7]. The rain invented for the first time and presented in inventions [1,2] was called "Sunny Rain". An inexpensive way to create "Sunny Rain" condensation nuclei was invented and directions for its use to solve problems were proposed: obtaining water and capturing other greenhouse gases from the cloudless atmosphere in industrial quantities in the Arava, Negev and other problems.

When I get a grant, I will become the founder of a startup called “Sunny Rain International”. The "Sunny Rain" project will be in Israel, then in other countries. A pilot project for the distribution of Sunny Rain is planned to be implemented in Singapore.We plan to build the startup infrastructure within some months. Then we plan to produce experiments of solving problems A1)- A9):

A1) Obtaining water.
Note A1.1: Production of water from a cloudless atmosphere in industrial quantities, which is possible because the amount of water in the atmosphere is currently 12 900 km³, while in all rivers beds there is only 2120 km³. 

Fig.2. Density of water vapor in air as a function of altitude at relative humidity 80%

Note A1.2: Rain production is optimal at the maximum temperature because density of water vapor in air ρ(h,T) is largest for largest temperatures T (see Fig.2.  where ρ(h) calculated at relative humidity 80% using formula derived in [1]). Then compute M(H)=0Hhdh. We shall calculate M(H) at relative humidity æ=80% and present the results in Figure 3. Knowing M(H) allows us to determine the optimal flight altitude of the aircraft.

Fig.3. The mass of water contained in air in a column of S=1m2 when relative humidity 80%

Note A1.3: "Sunny Rain" may be used for effective irrigation (see A3)) and using: membrane water purification plant [11] and Kitchen Activated Carbon Water Filter [12] for drinking water.

Note A1.4: It is possible to obtain water in Arava, Negev. 

Note A1.5: "Sunny Rain" may be used for effective irrigation (see A3) and using: membrane water purification plant [11] and Kitchen Activated Carbon Water Filter [12] for drinking water.

Note A1.6: An article by XPRIZE CEO Anousheh Ansari was published in Fortune. Faced with a global water crisis, this article highlights the harsh reality that 40% of the worlds water needs could go unmet by 2030 as desalination technologies plateau, making the need for innovative solutions more urgent than ever. So, the application of “Sunny Rain” is critical. [13]

A2) Cooling the air in one place in the city, which will save a climate catastrophe in that place in the city.

Note A2.1: The old policy is mainly based on the Paris Agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and, first of all, on achieving carbon neutrality. But the amount of greenhouse gases CO2 (CO2 9-26%, Methane CH4 4-9%, Ozone O3 3-7%) is significantly less than the amount of greenhouse gas water vapor (water vapor H2O 60%). Therefore, further attempts to reduce the amount of

greenhouse gases CO2 will not be successful in solving the climate crisis and other problems.

Note A2.2: The “Sunny Rain” strategy is based on two physical effects: 1. "Sunny Rain" will destroy greenhouse gases; 2. Evaporation of water in the air and on the Earth. First, "Sunny Rain" destroys all greenhouse gases, which leads to cooling of the air more significantly than the old policy. Second, evaporation of water in the air and on the Earth is a powerful means of cooling the air. Thus, the new policy for solving the climate crisis is significantly superior to the old policy. 

Note A2.3: In addition to solving the climate crisis, the new policy provides solutions to other problems. Current policies cannot keep up with the rate of environmental degradation we are facing today. With current policies none of the environmental goals (e.g. the Paris Agreement on carbon neutrality) will be met. As a result, we are facing a planetary crisis.

Note A2.4: Iran has announced Wednesday and Thursday this week will be public holidays because of "unprecedented heat" and told the elderly and people with health conditions to stay indoors, Iranian state media reported. [14]. 

Note A2.5: A French nuclear power plant was shut down due to the shallowing of the river that cools it. Sunny Rain can be used to irrigate rivers because the atmosphere contains 12,900 km3 of water, while rivers contain 2,120 km3 of water.

Note A2.6: By 2040, the Euphrates and Tigris will dry up due to declining water levels and droughts caused by climate change.

Note A2.7: A giant wildfire in the US destroyed part of Los Angeles in January 2025. Without Sunny Rain protection, rebuilding Los Angeles is pointless as temperatures are projected to rise further in 2026–2030 and the rebuilt city will burn again in future fires in 2026–2030!

A3) “Sunny Rain” will double food production.

Note 3a. The Ministry of Agriculture issues research grants to prepare Israel's agriculture for warming, which is a matter of survival. According to the ministry, some 5.5 million shekels have been given to scientists in the past two years. The development of heat and drought resistant varieties is recognized as the most important area of adaptation to warming. Prof. Peleg views the future of this area with pessimism. He is convinced that famine is inevitable in many countries and that there is little time left for preparation, as it takes 10-15 years to bring a new crop variety to market. Сrop variety takes 10 to 15 years to bring to market.” 

[5]. Our proposed approach to adaptation to warming is Efficient Irrigation with Sunny Rain.

Note 3b. Based on experiments described in the literature. In addition, harvesting

from former semi-deserts and deserts and eliminating droughts with the help of

the obtained water from “Sunny Rain” will increase food production.

Note3c: Plant leaves absorb CO2 from the air in the light using chlorophyll and convert it into organic matter along with the mineral-rich water with mineral-rich water that reaches the leaves from the root system. “Sunny Rain absorbs all greenhouse gases, including CO2 and H20. Thus, the use of solar rain results in an increase in crop yields.

A4) Putting out fires.

Note 4: The amount of water in the Sunny Rain is significantly greater than in 40t firefighting aircraft.

A5) Creating good ecology (clean the air above cities, which increases the life

expectancy of people).

Note 5.1: A World Health Organization report in recent years states that fine particulate matter in Israel is four times higher than recommended levels. In Israel, about 2,400 people have died due to air pollution. In comparison, 355 people died in traffic accidents in the country that same year. Many residents living near polluting industries and facilities suffer from particles entering their respiratory system and bloodstream, which harms their health. There is a link between exposure to fine particulate matter during pregnancy and problems with the development and delivery of the fetus, such as low birth weight and birth defects. Pollution has a cost not only in terms of disease, but also in terms of costs to the economy. The latest emission inventory report from the Ministry of Environmental Protection states that the cost of industrial pollution in Israel, excluding greenhouse gases, reaches an imaginary sum of almost 5.5 billion shekels per year to the economy (5,442,445,975). Professor Nir Becker, a researcher at Tel-Aviv Academic College, checked and found that the economic damage from Haifa Bay pollution due to diseases and excess mortality is estimated at about NIS 1.36 billion per year, according to the OECD.

Note 5.2. Air cleaning from pollutants (including microplastics) with water produced by “Sunny Rain”.

A6) Eliminate unwanted dense fog at airports.

Note A6: USA and British companies are losing billions of dollars because unwanted dense fog at airports.

A7) Increase of water in shoaling rivers

Note A7.1: A French nuclear power plant was shut down due to the shallowing of the river that cools it. Sunny Rain can be used to irrigate rivers because the atmosphere contains 12,900 km3 of water, while rivers contain 2,120 km3 of water.

Note A7.2: By 2040, the Euphrates and Tigris will dry up due to declining water levels and droughts caused by climate change.

A8) Sunny Rain can be used to irrigate cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes and in semi-deserts

Note A8: The World Health Organization recommended the availability of a minimum of  9 m2 of green space per individual.

A9) Condensation nuclei will help firefighters rescue people from smoke-filled rooms during fires.

Summary: 1S) Based on the results of the calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that the limit of safe temperatures for humans cannot exceed 35 degrees. "Dangerous" heat is defined by the US National Weather Service as 39.4 degrees Celsius. "Extremely dangerous" - 51 Celsius. Such a temperature can cause harm to a person, even if he leaves the house for a few minutes. 

Average temperatures in July in Israel from +24 to +37 °C.

The hottest month of the year in Singapore is June, from 26 °C to 31 °C.

2S) Thus, given that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for life, have long been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate the invented technology "Sunny Rain" as soon as possible. To prevent humanity from repeating the fate of the Neanderthals, it is necessary to first stop the rate of growth of greenhouse gases, and then achieve a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases, achieving a comfortable temperature for people all the time.

Then we will serve kibbutzim, businesses, cities in Israel and other countries, since "Sunny Rain" is needed by almost everyone on earth. A pilot project for the distribution of Sunny Rain is planned to be implemented in Singapore. If countries follow the recommendations of the new "Sunny Rain" project, the amount of greenhouse gases and the air temperature above the Earth will decrease significantly, which will benefit all countries of the world.  

Therefore, it is necessary to create a new Conference (water; urban cooling and climate change; “Sunny Rain”; decarbonization; prevention eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes; ecology; firefighting; food) similar to the Paris Climate Change Conference of 2015. 

WMO informed: “There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record.”  If Temasek Foundation does not set up a Sunny Rain base in Singapore, the city's temperature will continue to rise. Summary: 1S) Our mission now is to save humanity from climate change and solve other world problems! Sunny Rain technology so that humanity does not repeat the fate of the Neanderthals!  

2S) Based on the results of the calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that the limit of safe temperatures for humans cannot exceed 35 degrees. "Dangerous" heat is defined by the US National Weather Service as 39.4 degrees Celsius. "Extremely dangerous" - 51 Celsius. Such a temperature can cause harm to a person, even if he leaves the house for a few minutes. 

Average temperatures in July in Israel from +24 to +37 °C.

The hottest month of the year in Singapore is June, from 26 °C to 31 °C.

3S) Thus, given that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for life, have long been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate the invented technology "Sunny Rain" as soon as possible. To prevent humanity from repeating the fate of the Neanderthals, it is necessary to first stop the rate of growth of greenhouse gases, and then achieve a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases, achieving a comfortable temperature for people all the time.

3. Startup Divisions

The startup is a small enterprise with several divisions:

1: Production of condensation nuclei (when creating a series of such productions - experimental work with electrical systems, 1 engineer and several technicians are required. Knowledge of Hebrew is not required, (when operating one production, 1 technician is required).

2: Production of aircraft equipment (when creating a series of such productions - experimental work with water spray systems and electrical systems, 1 engineer and several technicians are required. Knowledge of Hebrew is not required).

3: Experimental biological station 

4: Organizational Unit (Operational Director, knowledge of Hebrew, Engish, Russian is required).

4. International Relations

We will create the infrastructure of the “Sunny Rain International” start-up, then we will conduct experiments to solve various problems. Then we will serve kibbutzim, businesses, cities in Israel and other countries (Singapore will be the first), because almost everyone on Earth needs “Sunny Rain”. If countries follow the recommendations of the new “Sunny Rain” project, the amount of greenhouse gases and the air temperature above the Earth will decrease significantly, which will benefit all countries in the world. The pilot project for the implementation of “Sunny Rain” will be held in Singapore. On the other hand, we hope to receive a grant from a competition in Singapore, which has shown interest in implementing “Sunny Rain” in the countries of Southeast Asia. Ten countries (Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Brunei, Vietnam, the Philippines, Laos, Singapore) are united by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and we are ready to implement “Sunny Rain” in the countries (ASEAN).

When other countries follow the recommendations of the new Sun Rain project, greenhouse gases and air temperatures above the Earth will be significantly reduced, which will benefit all countries of the world. A new conference similar to the Paris (2015) Climate Change Conference is planned: Future Conference (water; cooling cities and climate change; Sunny Rain; decarbonization; prevention of shallow submarine volcanoes; ecology; firefighting, food).

5. References

1. Michael Noppe, A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR RECOVERY OF INDUSTRIAL WATER FROM THE ATMOSPHERE AND APPLICATION FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has received a patent application for my invention containing the following identifying information: PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER: 18/445,190 PRIORITY DATE: 17.05.2023. (The patent attorney predicts that I will receive the patent in December 2023)


3. Michael Noppe, The Sunny Rain Geoengineering Project will adapt humanity to climate change and slow climate warming and solve a number of other problems , IJIRSES , Volume 3 , Issue 8 , pp.1-6, 2023

4. Michael Noppe, Preventing eruptions of Kikai submarine caldera, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7, Issue 6, June предотвращения извержений подводных вулканов .

5. Noppe M. 2024. " On adaptation measures for solving Tel Aviv's environmental problems related to solar rainfall". "Journal of Environmental Science and Technology" A 13 : 23-6 . doi: 10.17265/2162-5298/2024.01.00 3 (556 Views at 29/08/2024) index?id=50425.html

6. Noppe M. 2024. How not to starve to death due to global warming rain . "Journal of Environmental Science and Technology" B 13 (2024) 105-107 doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2024.03.002; (405 Views at 29/08/2024)

7. Michael Noppe, 2024, “A Set of Three Technologies Will Save Mankind from Climate Change in the Most Inexpensive Way Possible”, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology B, volume 13, Number 5. 177-180. doi: 10.17265/2162-5263/2024.05.001.

8. Call for Nominations: Reviewers Needed for UNEP's Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) Report Drafts,

9. Aleksey Komololov The abnormal heat of 2023 was blamed on the eruption of an underwater volcano.

10. Industrial air pollution cost Israel NIS 12.5 billion in 2021,

11. Hainan Litree Purifying Technology Co., Ltd.

12. Anousheh Ansari, 2024, “40% of the world’s water needs will go unmet by 2030 as desalination tech plateaus”, Fortune,

13. Iran shuts down for two days because of 'unprecedented heat'

15. The drying up of the Euphrates and Tigris is unlikely to bring about the end of the world, but people and animals in the region could be badly affected,

16. French nuclear plant lowers output due to hot river water ,

17. Earth at risk - half a century to environmental catastrophe? 13 December 2020.

6. Technology To Prevent Underwater Volcanic Eruptions Is Part Of A Set Of Technologies That Will Save Humanity From Climate Change

The article [7] formulates a set of three technologies that should cope with the greatest threat to humanity — climate change — at minimal cost. The main technology will be "Sunny Rain". The eruption of the underwater volcano Hunga in 2021 resulted in the release of 439 million tons of water into the atmosphere, which led to an increase in the water vapor content by 10-15%. This is the largest increase in the vapor content in the atmosphere in recorded history. According to scientists, the consequences of the eruption of this volcano can lead to an increase in temperature on the planet in the next 5 years. Therefore, the second direction of our work was the development of measures to prevent eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes, since they will contribute to climate change. Articles [4,7] propose a technology to prevent eruptions of underwater volcanoes at shallow depths. The measures we have developed can be used by Japan, Italy and Greece to prevent eruptions of shallow underwater volcanoes (Kiki, Marsili, Colombo) located on their territory. As a third technology, scalable solutions for reducing carbon emissions in various industries, decarbonization technologies are considered. A list of shallow underwater volcanoes that are likely to emit water into the atmosphere, which turns into water dust, has begun to be compiled. If the governments of Japan, Italy and Greece, which have shallow underwater volcanoes (Kiki, Marsili, Colombo), prevent eruptions of these volcanoes, this will provide electricity to these countries, save many of their citizens from dying and save humanity from the biggest threat - climate change - in the most inexpensive way possible!

7. Timeline and Budget

I proposed the “Sunny Rain” Project - a multifunctional breakthrough project that provides solutions to the most difficult problems of humanity and wrote multifunctional breakthrough inventions [1,2] and articles [3-7]. Now, I am freelancer. Having received a grant, I will become the founder of the start-up "Sunny Rain International". The "Sunny Rain" project will be in Israel, then in other countries. Thus, the project has already been largely implemented in theory and needs to be implemented in practice. The start-up infrastructure will consist of two production facilities:

 1: Production of condensation nuclei. 2: Production of equipment for the airplane.

We plan to build the start-up infrastructure within some months. Then we plan to produce experiments of solving problems during one year.

Thus, we need budget 726 300 Cd and are planning to produce experiments of solving problems during one year

A1) Obtaining water.

A2) Cooling the air in one place in the city, which will save a climate catastrophe in that place in the city. 

A4) Putting out fires.

A5) Cleaning the air in the city.

At the same time we will begin experiments of solving problem A3) Irrigation with “Sunny Rain” will double food production.

Note: I am not a business- man and I do not know all future expenses, including taxes. Therefore, the indicated budget size will be increased in the future.

During second year we plan to produce experiments of solving other problems: 

A3) Irrigation with “Sunny Rain” will double food production.

A6) Eliminate unwanted dense fog at airports.

If we have money and time, we will do experiments to solve other problems as well. Then we will serve kibbutzim, businesses, cities in Israel and other countries, since "Sunny Rain" is needed by almost everyone on earth. 

We plan to rent a Cessna 172 light-engine airplane from the Haifa Aero Club for 1000 shekels/hour. We will pre-equip it for scattering with condensation nuclei.

After the tentative first year of successful experiments, we will invite future employees of the Singapore base to Israel, to familiarize them with the results obtained, the technologies developed, the employees of the 1st Haifa Israeli base will make presentations to them. In addition, they will receive all consultations. If they wish, they will work for some time, as long as they wish, on all jobs to get the full experience so that they can then work independently in Singapore. Contact will be maintained continuously. Secondments are possible. 

The Cessna 172 is an American light aircraft. It is manufactured by Cessna and is the most mass produced airplane in aviation history. The airplane was produced in more than 25 modifications. 

The following variant is possible: Cessna 172 new or used will be bought by Singapore (perhaps Singapore has its own Cessna 172) will be transported to Haifa and equipped for scattering with condensation nuclei by Israelis in the presence of Singaporean employees, who will then transport it to Singapore. 

Similarly, there will be equipment to produce condensation nuclei.

Contact will be maintained continuously. There will be possible secondments.

I ask to inform me: what number of bases and airplanes Singapore plans to establish in ASEAN countries (and other countries) within 1 year, 2 years. I will hire people for whom perspective is important. It is clear that few people will be interested in short-term work.

According to my estimations, this work will be needed by almost all countries, where the number of bases will be proportional to their territory.

8. Ways To Communicate Climate Action To Non Scientists

8A) Way of using linkedin posts 

I published a group of posts taken from my articles in 4 professional groups in my linkedin and got 3059 impressions

Fig.1. Number of impressions as function from date (in

I have comments: See for example comment of Arvind Pathak (India)

Your strategy of destroying greenhouse gases and promoting water evaporation to decrease air temperature is truly innovative. I believe your invention has the potential to double food production and eliminate droughts in semi-deserts and deserts. 

8B) Way of using Facebook posts

 I have created group “Sunny Rain” in Facebook for non-academic people as a way to communicate about climate change through posts (see web-site at January 13, 2025.

8С) A way to communicate about climate change through poster contest.

My granddaughter Eva Noppe sent her drawing (see Fig.3) to the Intercontinental Bienal event for Center poster exhibitions and presentations 2024.посетите .

Theme: environmental.

Name: “Sunny Rain” will save the world from climate change, 

Author: Eva Noppe.

Poster description: Michael Noppe (grandfather of Eva Noppe) proposed Project "Sunny Rain", which provides a solution to the most pressing problems of mankind: cooling the air in cities and saving humanity from a climate catastrophe.

“Sunny Rain” will save world from climate change, Eva Noppe

Fig.2. Eva Noppe sent her drawing (with name - “Sunny Rain” will save world from climate change) to the Intercontinental Bienal event for Center poster exhibitions and presentation.

9. The Story Of My Second Birth

I love to swim! I adored the sea and Poseidon! Now I live in the seaside town of

Kiryat Yam, OH HAPPINESS! For many years, almost every day I went swimming in the sea, in which there were no undercurrents. One fine (or rather cursed) day, September 7, 2023, in the evening, I sailed out to sea a short distance and felt something was wrong. The man swimming next to me seemed to hear my thoughts and very quickly swam to the shore. I swim very slowly. I also swam home, but could not swim to the shore because of the undercurrent that suddenly appeared. And so I swim along the coast towards Haifa and make unsuccessful continuous attempts to swim to the shore. I swim calmly, filled with the thought that I will soon be able to get to the shore. In the meantime, I enjoy the views of the brightly lit shore. I have long wanted to ride a boat along the shore towards Haifa, and now my dream is coming true for free, although there is little comfort, but it is exotic! But time goes by, the brightly lit shore is left behind, it has become dark and sad. I engaged in self-hypnosis according to Goethe: “only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to fight for them every day”, “only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to fight for them every day”.

I saw a recreational boat, hung with colorful paws, practically motionless. I am going towards it, and it is going away from me? I can’t catch it. So my destiny is to save the drowning, the work of the drowning themselves.

“Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to fight for them every day”, “only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to fight for them every day”, “only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to fight for them every day”. I heard the noise of helicopters, it turns out my son sent them to look for me. But, alas, the helicopters did not find me.

“Only he is worthy of life and freedom, who goes to fight for them every day”, “only he is worthy of life and freedom, who goes to fight for them every day”, “only he is worthy of life and freedom, who goes to fight for them every day”.

Suddenly it began to quickly dawn, and the underwater current weakened. Hurray, Poseidon weakened, and I need to go to the last assault. I swam to the steep bank at 50 meters and suddenly saw a car carrying a boat to the shore. But my destiny is to save the drowning, the work of the drowning themselves. I continued to swim to the shore, 30 meters left, and the boat swam up to me and a conversation took place: The marine police officer asked: Are you doing a morning swim so early? I answered: I am finishing the evening swim. Officer: You swam for 12 hours, so swim to our boat. The adventure ended with a comfortable boat ride to the boat base.

Time goes by, and I realized that the damned day of September 7, 2022 turned out to be the wonderful day of my second birth! Thus, today, January 23, 2025, I am in my third year since my second birth. And since the average lifespan of men in Israel is 81 years, I should live until the beginning of the 22nd century. Let's see if I get this reward for the torment I have experienced.

Conclusion one: 1) Children, do not go to visit Poseidon until you find out if there are underwater currents in the sea. If there are underwater currents, then swim at shallow depths so that you can get out to the shore with your feet.

Note: Your actions may cause protests from the world community, which will accuse you of genocide of the gods through hunger, who also want to eat human flesh well, and you are starving them. Concerned ministers, prime ministers, ministers without portfolio, ministers without brains, gang leaders and terrorists will demand the right to send delegations to protect the gods. Ignore everyone and write, the gods do not want to eat just anyone, they only want to eat ministers, prime ministers, ministers without portfolio, ministers without brains, gang leaders and terrorists, and we have no way to find food for the gods. Therefore, urgently send delegations to protect the gods, which will include ministers, prime ministers, ministers without portfolio, ministers without brains, gang leaders and terrorists. If you do  send not ministers, then we will send them to protect crocodiles in zoos, which do not care who they eat, crocodiles are not gods.

Lately I have been swimming in a pool where my offender Poseidon is not allowed. But WHY did the previously beloved Poseidon suddenly turn into a cunning villain who quickly created an underwater current on September 7, 2022?

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) reported: Planet Earth is in a critical state. The planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for its existence, have been violated.


Fig. 1. Planetary boundaries of the climate change process

Figure 1 reports a mortal danger to humanity - the world is moving after the Neanderthals at high speed, and this movement must be stopped immediately!

Thus, Poseidon turned into an insidious villain who created an underwater current near 

Kiryat-Yam, because climate change began to strike planet Earth on September 7, 2022.

Let's make a list of manifestations of modern climate change on planet Earth.

1. The emergence of an underwater current in the Mediterranean Sea near Kiryat Yam occurred in Israel on September 7, 2022;

2. Life in Iran stopped for two days due to extreme heat in 2023;

3. The French nuclear power plant was closed in 2024 due to the drying up of the river that supplied the station with water.

4. A giant wildfire in the United States destroyed part of Los Angeles in January 2025. Without the protection of “Sunny Rain” the restoration of Los Angeles is pointless, since further increases in temperature are predicted in 2026-2030!

As a result of a number of factors, an increasing amount of greenhouse gases (about 60% of water vapor; 26% of CO2; and others) accumulate in the Earth’s atmosphere, which lead to a constant increase in the Earth’s temperature and to climate change.

The White House, the UN Secretary-General, and UNEP have recognized the failure of the old climate change policy and called on experts to provide ideas for creating a new climate change policy.

The UN Secretary-General said: The world needs a heat strategy that mobilizes governments, policymakers, and all stakeholders to act to prevent and reduce heat risks; build resilience to heat; manage extreme heat crises; and mitigate their worst impacts.

I sent a letter to UNEP, in which I proposed to use the strategy "Solar Rain", which can solve the problem of climate change and other world problems.

The invented condensation nuclei of "Solar Rain", thrown out of the plane, capture all the greenhouse gases and debris in the atmosphere. In addition, every schoolchild knows the physical effect that after rainfall, the air temperature decreases proportionally to the amount of rainwater. The second physical effect, leading to a decrease in air temperature, occurs due to the destruction of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Thus, "Solar Rain" will prevent climate change and solve the following problems:

1. Condensation nuclei of “Sunny Rain”, thrown out of the plane, will absorb water vapor (and other greenhouse gases) from the cloudless atmosphere and create rain, called “Sunny Rain”. This rain will bring water on an industrial scale.

One drop with a mass of mz=220 milligrams, falling from an airplane, will initiate the fall of water with a mass of mS=925 kilograms to the Earth.;

2. “Sunny Rain” will locally and quickly cool the air at the place of impact, saving from heat and thereby saving from a climate catastrophe;

3. “Sunny Rain” will locally and quickly clean the air at the place of impact, creating a good ecology that will prolong people's lives;

4. “Sunny Rain”, having the ability to drop on the Earth a gigantic amount of water, which is always and everywhere present in the atmosphere, will be able to quickly extinguish a large fire.

Note A4.1: Atmospheric vapor contains 12,900 km³ of water, and rivers contain only 2,120 km³ of water.

Note A4.2: A giant forest fire in the United States destroyed part of Los Angeles in January 2025. Without Sunny Rain protection, Los Angeles' rebuilding is pointless, as temperatures are projected to rise further in 2025-2030!

5. Sunny Rain will produce irrigation that will roughly double crop yields

6. Sunny Rain will eliminate unwanted dense fog at airports

7. Sunny Rain can be used to irrigate shrinking rivers

Note A7.1: A French nuclear power plant was shut down because the river that cools it was drying up

Note A7.2: By 2040, the Euphrates and Tigris will dry up due to declining water levels and droughts caused by climate change.

8. “Sunny Rain” can be used to irrigate cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes and in semi-deserts.

"Solar rain" will prevent future fires in 2026-2030 from destroying the rebuilt Los Angeles.

9. Condensation nuclei will help firefighters save people from smoke-filled rooms during fires.

Summary: 1) Based on the results of the calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that the limit of safe temperatures for humans cannot exceed 35 degrees. "Dangerous" heat is defined by the US National Weather Service as 39.4 degrees Celsius. "Extremely dangerous" is 51 degrees Celsius. Such a temperature can cause harm to a person even if he leaves the house for a few minutes. Average July temperatures in Israel are from 24°C to 37°C. The hottest month of the year in Singapore is June, from 26°C to 31°C.

2) Thus, given that the planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for life, have long been violated and the world is moving towards destruction at high speed, we need to activate the invented "Solar Rain" technology as soon as possible. In order for humanity not to repeat the fate of the Neanderthals, it is necessary to first stop the rate of growth of greenhouse gases, and then achieve a decrease in the amount of greenhouse gases, achieving a comfortable temperature for people all the time.

3) People all over the planet do not want to go to the Neanderthals because of the heat, they would prefer to turn on "Sunny Rain" outside and live in ecologically comfortable conditions, as they turn on the air conditioner in their apartment! You can find out more about using "Sunny Rain" to solve various problems on the Sunny Rain website and on the website.

10. Conclusion

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has shown that the planetary boundaries of climate change within which the Earth is habitable have been breached. We have long ago developed (and patented) 'Sunny Rain' to help humanity change course and return to a safe operating space, unlike UNEP; the Secretary-General and his team, and the White House and his team, who have called for proposals to develop their plans. The Secretary-General said: The world needs a strategy to deal with heat that serves to mobilize Governments, policy makers and all stakeholders to act, prevent and reduce heat risk; to increase resilience to heat; to manage extreme heat crises; and to mitigate its worst impacts.

More and more scientists say that our Eath is only 7 to 50 years away from the point of no return, when it will no longer be possible to stop the increasing degradation and death of our ecosystem, and thus civilization [17].

Can this forecast be realized?  Yes, if we do not use the Sunny Rain technology! Why?  Every schoolchild knows the result of a physical experiment: after rain from clouds, the temperature drops. After the Sunny Rain, the second factor acts: the destruction of all greenhouse gases produced by the Sunny Rain leads to an additional decrease in temperature.

Unlike all administrative, scientific, financial organizations of the world that have failed, only Temasek Foundation, Eco-Business and TLC have made real steps as a financial, administrative structure, which for 8 years has been in the global search for innovative solutions to the most acute climate problems of our time and finally in 2025 have finally achieved their goals!

Temasek Foundation, Eco-Business and TLC provides a unique platform to help sustainability start-ups take their ideas from the lab to the commercial market.

Resume:  We have created Sunny Rain technology that will save mankind from climate change and solve more world problems!

1.Obtaining water and capturing other greenhouse gases from a cloudless atmosphere in industrial quantities, including in deserts and semi-deserts (for example, Arava and Negev);

2. Cooling the air in cities and saving humanity from a climate catastrophe;

3. Irrigation, which will double crop yields;

4. Creating of good ecology that increases human life expectancy; cleaning the air above cities and industrial enterprises;

5. Removing fog at airports;

6. Increasing the water in shallow rivers;

7. Irrigation of cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes;

8. Fighting fires;

9. Condensation nuclei will help firefighters save people from smoke filled rooms during fires..

Thus, people will be able to survive and their life expectancy will increase due to the good ecology that Sunny Rain technology will create.

From the calculations it follows that one drop of mass mz=220 milligrams, falling from an airplane, initiates the fall of water with mass mS=925 kilograms to the Earth. The efficiency factor of “Sunny Rain” Ef=mS/mz=4.2*10^9 is very large.

Therefore, it is crucial to make the Sunny Rain technology a life as soon as possible by utilizing the financial support of Temasek Foundation, Eco-Business and TLC, which help start-ups in the field of sustainable development!

A pilot project for the distribution of "Sunny Rain" is planned to be implemented in Singapore, creating a start-up "Sunny Rain -Singapore".

When other countries follow the recommendations of the new "Sunny Rain" project, the amount of greenhouse gases and the air temperature above the Earth will significantly decrease, which will benefit all countries of the world. A new conference is planned, similar to the Paris (2015) Climate Change Conference: Future Conference (water; cooling cities and climate change; "Sunny Rain"; decarbonization; prevention of shallow underwater volcanoes; ecology; firefighting, food).

11. About Us

Ph.D. Physicо-Mathematical Sciences Michael Gershevich Noppe, Associate Professor, Senior member of IEEE. I lived in Novosibirsk and    worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied and Theoretical Physics at NSTU, became Founder and Chairman of      Novosibirsk IEEE/LEOS Chapter on 23 July 1999 and created its web-site In 2016 I published the monograph "Fundamentals of nonlinear theory for semiconductor lasers".

Now I am living in Kiryat-Yam, Golan 1/35, 2907429, Israel. My E-mail is My website in linkedin is I found out that semiconductor lasers are not produced in Israel and created new projects. The 2018 earthquakes in Israel initiated a series of my articles on the theory and on proposals for reducing the magnitude and preventing earthquakes. There were no more earthquakes in Israel and I proposed Project “Sunny Rain” in 2023 in two inventions and five articles.

 The “Sunny Rain” Project is a new direction that will save humanity from a climate catastrophe and will solve the most pressing global problems. The project is a synthesis of scientific research in the field of atmospheric physics, inventions and technological developments, the creation of production and the solution of the proposed problems in practice. “Sunny Rain” solves the following nine problems:  

1.Obtaining water and capturing other greenhouse gases from a cloudless atmosphere in industrial quantities, including in deserts and semi-deserts (for example, Arava and Negev).

2. Cooling the air in cities and saving humanity from a climate catastrophe.

3. Irrigation, which will double crop yields. 

4. Creating of good ecology that increases human life expectancy; cleaning the air above cities and industrial enterprises.

5. Removing fog at airports.

6. Increasing the water in shallow rivers.

7. Irrigation of cities, shrubs and trees on mountain slopes.

8. Fighting fires.

9. Condensation nuclei will help firefighters save people from smoke-filled rooms during fires.

Resume: The planetary boundaries of the climate change process, within which the Earth is suitable for its existence, have long been violated and humanity is moving towards destruction at high speed (see PIC message in Section 1). In order not to repeat the fate of the Neanderthals, humanity will be able to save itself using Sunny Rain technology

I shall create start-up “Sunny Rain International” after receiving grant. Web-site of start-up  is

 I have created group “Sunny Rain” in Facebook for non-academic people as a way to communicate about climate change through posts (see web-site at January 13, 2025.